
Healing Rooms' Values

Vision of the kingdom of God
A crucial issue in the operation of the Healing Rooms is the Biblical vision of the kingdom of God where Christ is undivided (1 Corinthians 1:12-13).  Healing Rooms is one form of work in the world wide church of God.  We rejoice in the success of every Christian church and institute in various fields globally. (Mark 16: 15-18).

Building cooperation
We promote cooperation as our work goes beyond the boundaries of Church denominations. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and the church is the body. We follow the example of Jesus by praying: ” Holy Father, so that they may be one as we are one”.  The hand does not argue with the foot (1 Corinthians 12 ). To be able to accomplish one’s mission in the world, both the church and individual Christians need to walk in the way of mutual love and forgiveness.  Healing Rooms is a place for prayer and cooperation – not for theological disputes on themes which have wrecked havoc on Christian unity in the past and hindered the progress of God’s good will. Each team member also understands their own responsibility in building and maintaining the unity. Unity does not mean that you need to agree on every small theological detail: it is so much more.

Confidentiality is a central theme in the work of the Healing Rooms. It is present in every action made and every prayer said.  Everyone who is involved in the prayer team member pledges oneself to secrecy similiar to that in pastoral counseling. Thus, Healing Room is a safe place to come with your prayer requests.

Importance of the local church
In the Healing Rooms work, we expect every prayer team member to belong to a local Christian church. We bring this issue up already in the interview stage, during which we also encourage everyone to serve in their own home church. If someone isn’t connected to any church, we encourage them to find one before they become a Healing Room prayer team member. The Healing Room is not a church.

The Healing Room in Finland strives to be a form of ministry that is respected and holds a good reputation among the Finnish churches. We want Healing Rooms to be a safe and sounds environment for workers and those coming to receive prayer. Our work is transparent and our Bible-based work is supervised by the executive committee of Healing Rooms Finland Association. The executive committee consists of pastors from various churches. Our work equips and makes it possible for an ordinary Christian to carry out the word of God by praying for healing and by working together with other Christians.